Internet mola... Pero está llena de chorizos y sinvergüenzas.
Es un hecho que con las nuevas tecnologías, la fotografía se ha generalizado y si no publicas tus fotos, ya sea en blogs como este, Facebooks, o tu própio portafolio no te das a conocer.
Pero por desgracia esto se ha convertido en caldo de cultivo para que caraduras, chorizos, sacamantecas y demás infraseres que no tienen o bien el talento o la voluntad de hacer sus própias imágenes pululen por la red de redes apropiandose del trabajo ajeno.
Por ello, desde Photo Stealers se están dedicando a desenmascarar a estos jetas en su web. Aunque lo que he visto es todo de webs extranjeras (americanas o britanicas) teneis un enlace para compartir chorizacos con ellos y que lo publiquen
Así que si habeis sufrido en vuestras fotográficas carnes este asalto, no dudeis en poneros en contacto con estos chicos tan majetes y comentarselo.
Para muestra de lo que he podido leer, me quedo con la conversación via mail con un chorizo desenmascarado, y como se llegán a trampear ellos solos.
Here is a rundown of how his story/response has changed through this process - IN ORDER
1.The people accusing me are just jealous haters.
2.Those are my partner sites, we work directly together.
3.Those people stole images from me.
4.I’ll talk to my staff and see what happened, will have a staff meeting regarding this.
5.The people who are accusing me of stealing have had their Facebook accounts hacked.
6.If you dislike the images or find them offensive, then report them to Facebook.
7.They were already on my site when I bought it.
8.I only put a couple of images on my site as placeholders.
9.I Googled “wedding photography” and chose images that I admired, then used them because I didn’t know they weren’t free to use.
10.Lightroom put the watermark on the photos, not me (note that in several cases, he removed the original watermarks).
11.I never used anything stolen on my site. He literally said this, despite admitting 10 minutes earlier that he had taken images off Google: “Nothing you have ever admired or commented on was anyone else’s work but my own.”
12.I did steal the photos, and I am ashamed. I welcome any negative comments you have to say about me. (even though at this point he continued to delete anything negative said about him and leave only the positive messages)
13.My apology is only to two photographers. I didn’t take from anyone else.
14.Okay fine, I stole from 3 photographers, but that’s it.
15.If you tell people I stole photos, I’m going to sue you for defamation.
Está en ingles, pero se entiende bastante bien como cambia el tono poco a poco para volverse de nuevo agresivo al final... Si resultara que tienen dientes las hienas y todo...
¿Te ha gustado?
Compártelo usando los botoncillos esos de ahí abajo
Un saludo inquietos
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